Kunal Gunjal is an award winning Santoor artiste and is a disciple of Pt.

Shivkumar Sharma and has performed with Pt. Shivkumar Sharma on

stage. In addition to that he has performed in various prestigious music

festivals and conferences like Pune Festival, 17th Devnandan Ubhyakar

Yuva Sangeet Utsav, Festival organized by MUSIC TODAY, National

Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) and he recently performed at the

Gunidas Sangeet Samelan where he opened the festival for Ustad. Zakir

Hussian. He has many accolades to his honor including the Dr.

Vasantrao Deshpande Yuva Kalakar Puraskar and was also awarded at

Vedic Heritage (NY, USA) by Sangeet Martand Pandit Jasraj. Kunal is also

a recipient of the National Scholarship, awarded by the Ministry of

Culture, Government of India and the Sawai Gandharva Scholarship.

Kunal has produced an album which features Santoor with Western Film

Score Music first time ever which won the Global Music Award in

“World Music” in 2019. This album has also been nominated for the

Hollywood Music in Media Awards in 2019.